Book Paintball field Materia

play paintball at our paintball fields

The PRAM Association has been actively playing paintball for two decades. The larger paintball venue, near the village of Materija (only 15 minutes from the coast and Koper), includes three exceptional paintball ranges, which are located in a forest with extremely varied terrain. This allows for various types of games for all age groups, from 7 years old onwards (paintball for children). Paintball can also be played as part of team buildings, paintball bachelor parties, hen parties, birthday parties and other special occasions. The game is possible with prior reservation of the ranges, for groups of at least 14 or 12 players.

Check before booking
differences in polygons!

    differences in paintball field Materija

    Field AField BField C- children's
    Minimum players
    (Saturday-Sunday, holidays)
    Minimum players
    Price per person21 EUR26 EUR21 EUR
    fileld sizeapprox. 1550 m2approx. 11500 m2approx. 500 m2
    Paintball equipment providedMarker, CO2, protective mask, protective overallsMarker, CO2, protective mask, protective overallsJT Spletmaster marker (with spring), protective mask, protective overalls, gloves, chest protection
    Number of free balls100100all the necessary balls
    Duration2 hours

    (along with introduction)
    3 hours

    (with an introduction and four games on polygon A)
    1.5 hours
    Type of paintball game:to the last manon flagstarget shooting + last man standing game
    Minimum age14 years

    with consent/declaration

    18 years old from 9 to 13 years old

    with consent/declaration
    Recommended footwearsports shoeshigh military boots, mountain bootssports shoes